RNK Incontro Indonesia Gifting Ideas is a solutions driven by the continuous demand of our clients to compromise our outstanding products to a more easy and personalize usage, impressing the final users with a recognize and useful professional objects. Our mission is to simply make gifting easier and useful on the eyes of the final receivers.

We are one of the largest corporate gifting with tableware commodity in the country and we offer seasonal gifts to last-minute gifts, with the flexibility in quantities and ad-hoc packaging.

Giving the perfect solution for you and impressing your final customer with a unique and impressive quality products.

Our forte is reliability.

The Gifting Ideas team is driven with passion to go beyond the ordinary. We offer an end to end gifting solution, which means we not only provide the gift required but also provide solutions for its design, printing and packaging. So if you need a gift . . . you are at the right place!!


To be the most admired gifting company in the country.


To continuously improve our ability to provide an ever increasing range of promotional products to our clients. To wear our Customer Hat at all times and provide value to our clients and our vendors.


We respect and nurture relationships. We honor our commitments, no matter what.