
Agnelli Since 1907 is the brand created by the Agnelli Group to promote its products designed for the and Food Service area.

It includes the brands and the products of Pentole Agnelli and Fasa Pentole, as well as the Agnelli Complements catalogue, the Saps Agnelli Cooking Lab activities as well the #NONTOCCATEMILAPADELLA communication one. Agnelli Since 1907 is the brand that identifies the Agnelli Group commercial offer focused on the professional equipment selling, created to offer high quality, practical and functional products with an impeccable style and a 360° professional service. Products that have been created and searched by experts in this field, dedicated to the professional world and designed for a kind of use that requests a high level of stress.

“We think that the time to renew our identity has come, an identity that has grown a lot over the years - says Angelo Agnelli - expressing our current professional value, our personality and the values of our Companies recognized as reliable by the catering and hospitality professionals: Pentole Agnelli, Fasa Pentole and Agnelli Complements”.

“The Agnelli Since 1907 new logo - continues Angelo Agnelli - includes the name of my family as well as the year of establishment of the first enterprise and wants to transmit its great historical legacy, as well as our ultra centenarian reputation and our orientation to the future.
Agnelli Since 1907 represents the perfect link among professionality, tradition and innovation, and expresses the personality of the different brands included in the Agnelli Group focused on the market”.